Cats came running from everywhere…

We rely on your donations to help those cats who need it most. As a trapper, I see the suffering firsthand. Here is just one story and how your donations can help stray and community cats.

Picture of Rescue Site

A few months ago, I was contacted by a man complaining that stray cats were all over his property. When I went to assess the situation, I noticed that the cats seemed to be coming from a property adjacent to his. So I drove next door, and at the sound of my car, cats came running from everywhere: Cats came pouring out of an abandoned farmhouse; they climbed out of trash cans and old furniture; they raced out of a rusted-out camper. I saw cats with ruptured eyes, cats limping on broken limbs, tiny kittens following skinny moms. I could not believe my eyes. I stood there and cried.

And then I got to work. With the help of my fellow trappers, we were able to jump into action and help those that can't speak for themselves, those that suffer in silence. Stray cat blues enabled me to act. My fellow trappers and fosters were able to go into this situation with the confidence that there would be formula for those little kitten bellies. We knew that there would be toys to help the ones who can be socialized and transition to indoor life. And we knew there would be treats and warm blankets for the feral cats that were returned.

All in all, we trapped, neutered, vaccinated, and released 51 cats back to the site, making sure they would continue to receive a steady supply of food. And we were able to place 11 adult cats and 14 kittens into foster care. You can help us help them. And we will forever be grateful for your generosity and your kindness that we got to share with the cats who needed it most.


Without your help we would not be able to do what we do here at Stray Cat Blues! Every penny counts and all donations go towards medical care, supplies, adoption preparation, food, shelter and so much more!  We are fortunate for anonymous donors pledging to match all donations dollar for dollar, up to $35,000 from now until December 31, 2023!   

So far we raised just over $3,700!

Read more stories on the cats/kittens you help »


Help Us Melt Freezing Hearts this Giving Tuesday! ❄️❤️


Never Abandoned, Always Adopted! 🐾❤️